
Lafayette Communities That Care

kids and adults cheering under a picnic shelter

Lafayette Communities That Care (CTC) is a coalition based in Lafayette, Colorado. We work to address root causes of underage drinking, tobacco use, violence, delinquency, school dropout and substance abuse ​in youth and work to prevent these behaviors.

Coming Together to Support our Community

Lafayette CTC uses “Prevention Science” – a public health approach that addresses the root causes of problems before they occur – to achieve better behavioral health outcomes for young people.

Lafayette CTC was established in 2016 to generate lasting solutions to some of the issues in the community, using the nationwide Communities That Care model – a coalition-based community prevention process that utilizes community-led decision making to address health and behavior problems facing young people in their community.

One of the key elements of Lafayette CTC is that it is “community owned and operated,” which means no one person or organization is the sole champion for the work. Instead, CTC stakeholders work together to identify and support leaders throughout the community. CTC operates with financial support from Boulder County Public Health.

Creating a Healthy Community

The conditions in which people are born, live, grow and play affect their health. Lafayette Communities That Care is committed to creating a healthy city with community involvement by:

  • Leveraging existing local expertise by including partner agencies
  • Empowering youth and community to generate data
  • Bolstering an active Community Board
  • Addressing the social context in which drug use occurs
  • Supporting positive youth development

Vision Statement

A vibrant community, Lafayette is committed to equitable access to quality education, health, and community resources, ensuring its youth emerge as healthy, engaged, and compassionate citizens.