Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

girls making crafts at table

Coming Together to Support our Community

Over the past several years, the Lafayette CTC Community Board has worked to identify some main areas of concern, as well as areas of opportunity. From 2020-present, Lafayette CTC has focused our efforts on 5 main areas: Mental Health, Youth Spaces, Restorative Justice, Economic Opportunity, and Policy. These main areas will help us holistically make sure that Lafayette is an inclusive, restorative, equitable, healthy, and vibrant place to live for adults and youth from all walks of life.

Mental Health

teens stretching on a soccer fieldThere are limited evidence-based programs to support mental health in Lafayette, particularly in the schools. We want to boost access and staffing for mental health services and programs in places where students and residents currently spend time.

Overall Goal: Mental Health Programming and Support

By 2024, Lafayette will increase support for all individuals affected by mental health, creating an inclusive community that lacks stigma. There will be more access to professionals, more education for people on symptoms and signs and positive messaging sent into the community, with social media as one of the tools.


Youth Spaces

students at the library makerspace. Sitting at high table making things.This may include creating a youth or multicultural center or incorporating positive spaces within the community. Healthy adult supervision and diverse activities would be essential.

Potential funding: Colorado has among the lowest taxes for alcohol and cigarettes in the nation. Local jurisdictions may choose to levy additional taxes on these substances, as well as marijuana if it is sold in the community. Delegation of these so-called “sin taxes,” can support youth substance abuse prevention and treatment efforts. Fees for licensing of outlets can also be applied to youth prevention programs.

Overall Goal: Build Public Support for Positive Spaces for Youth

By 2024, we will have multiple prosocial opportunities for young people in Lafayette. This will unequivocally lead to higher community engagement, graduation rates/college acceptances and less student deaths and rates of depression. Ultimately enhancing life and the desire to live and learn in Lafayette.

Restorative Justice

youth in classroomRestorative justice provides an opportunity for individuals to learn about and repair harm from impact without formal involvement in the criminal justice system- therefore, without giving the person a criminal record. Currently there is not a local restorative justice program and the County program has no Lafayette referrals. Restorative practices could also be implemented and/or enhanced in the school system; would want trauma-informed approach.

Overall Goal: Increase Availability of Restorative Justice & Restorative Practices

By 2024, Lafayette will have a stronger and safer community for adults and youth due to increased support of victims and offenders by Restorative Justice processes.

Objectives: 1. Educate the community on restorative justice ; 2.more understanding of harm and repairing harm, reduce recidivism; 3. More belief in understanding of alternatives by school and legal personnel; 4. more referrals to restorative justice, diverting youth from criminal records and system; 5. Fewer arrests; 6. less family disruption and separation

Economic Development

Lafayette CTC muralThere are programs with various evidence levels that address our priority risk and protective factors. Through the Program research, we learned that residents are not consistently aware of what is available. Lafayette CTC could support increasing awareness about existing programs through various methods. The “Lafayette Any Door” recommendation would also provide opportunities to connect service providers to each other for more consistent support and referrals for Lafayette residents. This could also include training for City of Lafayette staff so they can make appropriate referrals. Additionally, access to current programs should be considered: transportation, cost, and language.

Overall Goal: Increase Outreach, Awareness, and Access to Current Programs

By 2024, low income residents would be more aware of the services and support systems in place in Lafayette which would protect and increase the economic, racial, cultural and age diversity that is so important for the success of Lafayette.


students and adult looking at computerThe attitudes and policies a community holds in relation to drug use are communicated in a variety of ways: through laws and written policies, through informal social practices, and through the expectations of parents and other members of the community. When laws, tax rates, and community standards are favorable toward alcohol and other drug use—or even when they are just unclear—young people are at higher risk

Overall Goal: Build Support for Local Ordinances

By 2024, the community will be knowledgeable about local ordinances and policies related to substance abuse; sanctions would be oriented to restorative practices, thereby increasing positive interactions between youth and law enforcement.